The video cast from Wednesday, 22.02.06
On the 3rd day of the film marathon - and for the contestants, the 3rd day without sleep - the stress begins to be felt: the contestants have become more nervous, irritable or emotionally insecure. The organizers are still keeping the event under control.
iPod video file format:
guinness_day3.mp4 (H.264 /AAC / 18.3MB / 5:31)
-> please use Quicktime for playback. You can download the free player for Mac or Windows
Alternative download link: (Sorenson Video 3 / AAC / 21.5MB / 5:31)
-> you can watch this using Quicktime or VLC Media Player (free download)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs 2.5 License by Wrocław Weekly
The updates on Day 4 (Thursday, 23.02.06)
12:30 - 13 contestants remaining / 44 contestants eliminated.
One contestant lost consciousness around 11AM and was taken out by the medical staff to the emergency room. The general mood remains still tense, and the stress is visible. The projection is now running 90min ahead of the published schedule due to the same “technical problem” as the day before.
00:20 - 7 contestants remaining / 50 contestants eliminated.
The update on Day 5 (Friday, 24.02.06)
10:00 - 6 contestants remaining / 51 contestants eliminated.